To make a wIndow replacement truly valuable the windows must be practical – as fas as energy efficiency, Low E, etc. However, we’re a big fan of having your pie and eating it too. So we think that windows should also be beautiful.
As discussed in several previous articles, and repeatedly mentioned throughout the website – Window Depot Kansas City has high-quality, high-performing practical windows. But we don’t want you to think that our windows are a piece of multi-grain toast – high in nutrients, but a little dry. In reality, our windows are like having your pie and eating it too. Yes, you get function and practicality, but you also get beauty. In fact, there’s many elements to our windows that add beauty.
One aspect of Window Depot KC’s windows that ensure their beauty is ProVia’s MasterFit™ Trim. Whether your project is new construction or a window replacement, MasterFit™ Trim is ideal for several reasons.
5 Reasons Why MasterFit™ Trim Beautifies Your Windows
- 10-Year Finish Warranty
- Does not crack over time
- Fast Installation. The entire trim system can be installed with little disruptions in the home since it can be ordered pre-assembled with the jamb extensions already attached to the window.
- No gap installation. If MasterFit Trim is being installed in an older home, chances are, the interior walls may not be perfectly plumb. The jamb adjustment feature on this trim system allows for up to a 1⁄4″ variation all the way around the window. While regular casing would leave gaps, the MasterFit Trim System will sit snuggly against any wall.
- Easy to customize. MasterFit™ trim can come in a huge array of sizes and colors. This gives you the opportunity to enhance that gorgeous view of your with the perfect frame. As you might notice, the trim around the window can create a distinctly different feel in a room – whether it be crisp-clean modern, or old world charm. It’s your home, it’s your canvas. Just check out this online brochure. We can’t wait to see what you do with it!
If you’d like a free consultation for our practical and beautiful windows, just give us a call – we’re happy to help!
Below is a short video that explains the benefits of MasterFit™ Trim. Enjoy!