Cost vs Value
As you examine how much new windows cost, remember that the money you invest will give you a great return – one of the best in the home improvement industry.
Remodeling Magazine 2020 reports that Kansas City homeowners should expect the a minimum of 53.7% return on investment for vinyl replacement windows!
Additionaly, repacement windows bring energy savings, increased home comfort and aesthetics.
What is the Cost of a Replacement Window?
That is a tough question since there are so many options. It is like asking, ‘How much does a house cost?’ It depends on where the house is located, how big it is and what type of finishings you want.
With this disclaimer in mind, here is our summary of cost:
The average window replacement cost ranges from $175 to $700 per window plus installation. High-end windows can cost upwards of $2,000 each!
We admit that this is a ridiculously large price variance.
Let’s break down the details that go into how much a new window will cost.
First by window-quality. Then by the smaller details that contribute to the overall cost.
The Kansas City Market: Window Cost Summary
High-End Windows
These windows can cost between $800 to $2,000 each plus installation.
The average cost for a good quality, basic color, replacement window installed is $650-$850 per window plus installation.
Low-Quality Windows
These windows could run as low as $180 plus installation per window. While they are new and shiny, they will not ultimately increase the value or comfort of your home.
Window Cost with Window Depot KC
Window Depot KC strives to offer high quality windows at a middle-of-the road price. We believe that everyone deserves the best for their home. We are happy to help homeowners find the best value for their individual needs.
Window Installation Cost
The installation cost can depend on several factors and to determine this cost will require an in home consultation. You can expect to pay at least $40 an hour in labor costs. That comes out to a range from $150 a unit up to $600, depending on how complex the installation is. A basic ballpark cost: $225 labor per window for installation.
Factors That Effect Installation Cost
- Type of installation (pocket installation, full-frame replacement, etc.)
- Type of existing window (aluminum tear-out, previously replaced, wood double-hung, wood casement, etc.)
- Additional work needed (rotten sills, rotten brick molding, mull removals)
- Lead remediation
- Structural deficiencies
- Location of window
Why Is There Such a Large Price Variance?
Windows are custom to each home. There are many types of windows to choose from, color options, as well as may other bells-and-whistles you may want added.
Let’s look at some of these options and how they affect your bottom line.
Window Basics
The Type of the Window
Approximate Material Cost
Slider Window………$150-$800
Casement Window….$200-$1,400
Picture Window………$300-$1,200
Number of Window Panes
Single $
Double $$
Triple $$$
Insulating Gas Between Window Panes
Air $
Argon $$
Krypton $$$
Those Extra Touches
Glass Additions
Window Grids & Grilles
Tempered Glass
Stained Glass
Interior Color
Exterior Color
Wood Finish
Other Considerations
Window Size
Number of Mulls
Get A Custom Window Estimate
The range in window prices can be overwhelming – to say the least.
However, all that we’ve discussed is simply ball-park information.
To find out what replacing your windows will cost truly cost you, request an estimate from Window Depot Kansas City.
Window Depot KC is proud to offer free, no-pressure estimates. They understand that this process is tedious and work hard to make sure you understand your options. Their goal is for you to get a return on your window investment. You deserve to have a high-quality window you will be happy with for years to come.
What Windows Are Truly Worth the Investment?
A list like this can send the average consumers mind whirling and twirling. Too many decisions, too many unknown factors and too many dollar signs!
We totally get it!
Before giving up on replacing windows all-together or deciding to go with the cheapest option, remember you should only make this investment ONCE.
That’s right, a good-quality window should not need to be replaced again – that’s why it adds so much value to your home. A window should come with a lifetime guarantee.
Remember, if you ever sell your home, you should get a 53.7% return on your window investment.
While these are comforting thoughts, it also means that you want to choose the best window available. So, let us give you a little overview of what is truly going to add value to your home and your day-to-day.
5 Key Features of a Window Worth Its Cost
At least Double Pane…ideally Triple Pane – each pane of glass makes a remarkable difference.
Argon or Krypton filled, NEVER air-filled
Multi-Chamber, Foam-Filled Window Frame instead of a hollow window frame. Makes a huge difference in Energy Efficiency.
Low-E: A window coating that filters out harmful UV-Rays, keeping out unwanted heat and preventing furniture and from being damaged.
ENERGY STAR Certified for Kansas City – or better yet ENERGY STAR Most Efficient.
What Will Your Window Project Cost?
That’s easy to find out.
Contact Window Depot Kansas City – our estimates are always complimentary. Our window experts will measure and give you all the information you need to find the perfect custom window for your home.
Window Depot KC is unique when it comes to cost. Window Depot locations nationwide are proud to offer high-quality, ENERGY STAR Most Efficient, Triple-Pane, Krypton-Filled windows, at a middle-of-the-road price. Get luxury without destroying the budget.